Natural Dyes on Indonesian Traditional Textiles - A Case Study: Geringsing Woven Fabric, In Tenganan Pegeringsingan Village Bali -

  • Widiawati, Dian (Faculty of Art and Design, Institute of Technology) ;
  • Sn, S. (Faculty of Art and Design, Institute of Technology Bandung) ;
  • Sn, M. (Craft and Tradition Research Group, Faculty of Art and Design, Institute of Technology Bandung) ;
  • Rosandini, Morinta (Faculty of Art and Design, Institute of Technology Bandung) ;
  • Ds, S. (Faculty of Art and Design, Institute of Technology Bandung)
  • Received : 2012.01.03
  • Accepted : 2012.02.01
  • Published : 2012.02.29


Indonesia has a wealth of traditional textiles that are spread in every corner of its region, each of them has its own characteristics and uniquennes. Among the diversity of decorative and techniques used, there are also peculiarities arising from the coloring techniques, that is staining with natural dyes. The existence and the authenticity of the coloring techniques are still retained in some places in Indonesia until today. Generally, these societies make the fabric-making process as part of the ritual beliefs. One of which are the societies in Tenganan, Bali, an area in Bali which always use fabric as an important part in every traditional ceremony. The fabrics is known by the name Geringsing. The typically color which shown and also the sacred values that accompany make Geringsing a very special woven fabric and cannot be found in other areas. This is one of the local geniuses that need to be preserved. In addition to its unique techniques and special materials, Geringsing woven also keeps its myth and its philosophy. The emersion of Geringsing woven closely related to the community trust in God Indra as the main protector deity. The necessary initial process of making Geringsing is holding special ceremony attended by various circles of Tenganan village society. People in Tenganan believe that Geringsing is a precious heritage avoiding all diseases and disorders of evil spirits.



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