간호장교 리더십 유형과 지식이전의 관계 - 직무특성의 조절효과를 중심으로 -

A Study on the Relationship between Nursing Officer's Leadership Style and Knowledge Transfer - Focused on Moderating Effect of Job Characteristics -

  • 투고 : 2012.03.16
  • 심사 : 2012.10.29
  • 발행 : 2012.12.31


Purpose : This study attempted to find out the relationship between leadership style, knowledge transfer in nursing officers' job, considering the task characteristics. Methods : The data were collected from the military hospital during November 1st to November 17th, 2008 using a structured questionnaire and analyzed with the statistical method of frequency, correlation, and regression analysis, in SPSS 12.0 program package. Results/Conclusion : The results of empirical analysis shows that the levels of job tension and job focused task domain affect the job characteristics of the nursing officers' organization. The job characteristics have a moderating effect on the relationship between leadership style and knowledge transfer. The research is very useful in finding out the job characteristics which well depict military nursing organizations. This research suggests that a desirable leadership styles affect the knowledge transfer in the job characteristics type.



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