Quantitative Damage Assessment in KURT Granite by Acoustic Emission

미소파괴음을 이용한 KURT 화강암의 손상에 관한 정량적 평가

  • Received : 2012.04.23
  • Accepted : 2012.09.28
  • Published : 2012.11.15


This paper presents the quantitative damage assessment of granite taken from KAERI Underground Research Tunnel using acoustic emission (AE). The results determined showed the crack initiation and crack damage stress occurred at 48%, 72% of uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) and until the applied stress level was reached the crack damage stress, the damage degree was 0.06. When the applied stress exceeded 80%, 90% of UCS, the damage degree were 0.34, 0.06 and which were similar to those obtained from axial deformation modulus. The simply regression analysis was used to interpret the relationship of the two damage assessment techniques and the two were highly correlated ($R^2$=0.90). Therefore, damage degree based on the AE energy and mohr-coulomb failure criterion were adopted to predict the mechanical properties. As results, the axial deformation modulus, rock strength, internal friction angle, and cohesion of KURT rock were reduced 6%, 12%, 7%, and 3% until the applied stress was 70% of UCS. But when the applied stress reached 90% of UCS, the results were more reduced 69%, 72%, 62%, and 24%, respectively.

본 연구에서는 미소파괴음을 활용하여 한국 원자력 연구원 지하처분연구시설에서 채취한 화강암의 손상도를 정량적으로 평가하였다. 해석결과 균열손상기준은 균열개시, 균열손상응력은 일축압축강도의 약 48%, 72%이며 균열손상기준에 따른 암석의 손상은 시료에 가해지는 응력이 균열손상응력을 초과하면서부터 0.06에서 일축압축강도의 80%, 90%에서는 0.34, 0.60로 급격히 증가하였다. 이는 축 방향 변형계수를 활용한 손상도 결과와 유사하여 단순회귀분석 결과 두 기법의 상관관계는 0.90로 상관성은 매우 높은 것으로 나타났다. 이에 미소파괴음 에너지를 활용한 손상도 결과와 모어-쿨롱 파괴규준을 이용하여 응력수준에 따른 축 방향 변형계수, 암석의 강도, 점착력, 내부마찰각 변화를 분석한 결과 균열손상응력 이전까지는 원결과보다 각각 6%, 12%, 7%, 3% 감소하였지만 일축압축강도의 90%수준에서는 69%, 72%, 62%, 24%로 감소의 기울기는 급격히 증가하였다.



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