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This study was carried out in order to establish the estimation equation for school power consumption using regression analysis based on collected power consumption for two years of weather data and schools are located in Central Changwon and Masan district in Changwon city. (1) The power consumption estimation equation for Heating and cooling is calculated using power consumption per unit volume, the difference between actual power consumption and results of estimation equations is 4.1%. (2) The power consumption estimation equation for heating load is showed 2.6% difference compared to actual power consumption in Central Changwon and is expressed 2.9% difference compared to that in Masan district. Therefore, the power consumption prediction for each school using the power consumption estimation equation is possible. (3) The power consumption estimation equation for cooling load is showed 8.0% difference compared to actual power consumption in Central Changwon and is expressed 2.9% compared to that in Masan district. As the power consumption estimation equation for cooling load is expressed difference compared to heating load, it needs to investigate influence for cooling load.