Managing Cultural Diversity by Effective Human Resource Management of International Trade: Focus on Asian Perspectives

  • Received : 2012.11.29
  • Accepted : 2012.12.26
  • Published : 2012.12.30


Changes in the global business environment continue at an accelerated pace. The 21st century maybe remarked, perhaps, for its hot issues on globalization and diversity. Diversity may arise in terms of ethnic, gender, age and culture. Cultural diversity out of all stands out in front in modern times as more multinational companies operate internationally resulting more people to start living abroad and work with people from different cultures. In recent years, these multinational companies realized the important roles human resource management play in international trade since cultural diversity is very influential on their work performance. A well-managed human resources will ensure organizations' success to a great extent. This paper touches the field of cultural diversity and introduces human resource management of international trade as a way to handle diversity matters faced by international organizations.
