지역사회의 환경적 특성이 개인의 음주문제에 미치는 영향에 관한 다수준분석

Effects of the Community Environmental Characteristics on Drinking Problems of Adults: A Multilevel Analysis

  • 김광기 (인제대학원대학교, 알코올 및 도박문제연구소) ;
  • 제갈정 (인제대학원대학교, 알코올 및 도박문제연구소) ;
  • 권용미 (인제대학원대학교) ;
  • 박민수 (인제대학원대학교, 알코올 및 도박문제연구소)
  • Kim, Kwang Kee (Center for Alcohol and Gambling Problems, Inje Institute of Advanced Studies) ;
  • JeKarl, Jung (Center for Alcohol and Gambling Problems, Inje Institute of Advanced Studies) ;
  • Kwon, Yong Mi (Inje Institute of Advanced Studies) ;
  • Park, Min Soo (Center for Alcohol and Gambling Problems, Inje Institute of Advanced Studies)
  • 투고 : 2012.12.07
  • 심사 : 2012.12.27
  • 발행 : 2012.12.30


Objectives: This study aims to identify the effects of environmental characteristics of the community on adults' drinking problems with held constant effects of characteristics of drinkers themselves. Methods: A multi-level regression analysis was employed to differentiate the variances accounted for by measurements both at individual and group levels. Data on individual demographic, behavioral, and mental health status were obtained from the Community Health Survey conducted in 2009 in the province of Kyunggido, which include 41,376 respondents aged 19 and over. This study included 28,335 adults who were classified as drinkers. They were from 45 communities(si, gun, or gu) for which data on contextual characteristics were collected by secondary data available on local government websites and KOSIS(Korea Statistical Information System). Results: Multi-level analyses showed that the variance of the dependent variable, harmful use of alcohol measured by alcohol use disorder identification test was independently accounted for by variance of independent variables at group level, including number of on-premises alcohol outlet per inhabitant and divorce rate, with held other independent variables of the model controlled. Conclusions: This study confirms that in order to prevent and reduce harms caused by harmful use of alcohol requires restricting physical availability of alcohol in the community where the drinker lives.



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