A 5-year-old, intact female, Pomeranian was presented with a persistent vomiting for 5 days after swallowing a chicken bone. The dog was diagnosed with an esophageal foreign body, and a small perforation was found after the endoscopic removal of the chicken bone. The dog was determined to be treated with a non-operative management, and a complete closure of the perforation was confirmed by a flexible endoscopy 3 weeks after removal of a chicken bone. This paper reports the case of esophageal perforation caused by foreign body in esophagus managed with the non-operative therapy instead of surgical correction.
5년령 중성화하지 않은 암컷 포메라니언이 닭뼈를 삼킨 후 구토를 주증으로 내원하였다. 내시경을 통한 식도이물 제거 후 식도에 작은 천공을 확인하였다. 수술적 치료 대신 비수술적 관리를 통하여 치료하였고 3주 후 내시경을 통한 재검사 결과 천공부위의 완전한 폐쇄를 확인하였다. 본 연구는 식도 이물에 의한 식도 천공을 비수술적 관리를 통해 성공적으로 치료한 증례에 대한 보고이다.