A Usability Assessment Metric for Ubiquitous Services: Quantification of the Interactivity Attribute in Inter-personal Services

  • Received : 2012.01.05
  • Accepted : 2012.01.27
  • Published : 2012.02.29


Objective: The main objective of this study is to propose a user-centered assessment metric for ubiquitous services. Background: As the ubiquitous era took off, the interactions between ubiquitous services and users have come to take an important position. It is essential to conceptualize a new assessment model that considers human-system interaction capability with a user-centered design perspective. Method: The evaluation model for the interactivity of ubiquitous service was approached from the concept of usability and inter-personality of services. As a validation study, suggested assessment metric was utilized to evaluate the u-Home service. Priority weighting of each assessment metric was derived using the quantification type-I analysis. Results: To evaluate interactivity, this study suggested a quantitative metric for user testing performed after classifying the interactivity characteristics to contextualization; ubiquity; user experience; and service capability. Conclusion: This study suggest the metric for the ubiquitous service that are experienced in real life, and introduced the concept of ubiquitous service interactivity. Application: The suggested evaluation metric can be used to evaluate interactivity level of ubiquitous service and identify the potential problem and usability requirements at the early stage of service development.



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