An Indigenous Case of Intestinal Capillariasis with Protein-Losing Enteropathy in Korea

  • Jung, Woon Tae (Department of Internal Medicine, Gyeongsang National University School of Medicine) ;
  • Kim, Hyun Jin (Department of Internal Medicine, Gyeongsang National University School of Medicine) ;
  • Min, Hyun Ju (Department of Internal Medicine, Gyeongsang National University School of Medicine) ;
  • Ha, Chang Yoon (Department of Internal Medicine, Gyeongsang National University School of Medicine) ;
  • Kim, Hong Jun (Department of Internal Medicine, Gyeongsang National University School of Medicine) ;
  • Ko, Gyung Hyuck (Department of Pathology, Gyeongsang National University School of Medicine) ;
  • Na, Byoung-Kuk (Department of Parasitology and Institute of Health Sciences, Gyeongsang National University School of Medicine) ;
  • Sohn, Woon-Mok (Department of Parasitology and Institute of Health Sciences, Gyeongsang National University School of Medicine)
  • 투고 : 2012.06.20
  • 심사 : 2012.07.09
  • 발행 : 2012.12.17


We encountered an indigenous case of intestinal capillariasis with protein-losing enteropathy in the Republic of Korea. A 37-year-old man, residing in Sacheon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, admitted to the Gyeongsang National University Hospital (GNUH) due to long-lasting diarrhea, abdominal pain, anasarca, and weight loss. He recalled that he frequently ate raw fish, especially the common blackish goby (Acanthogobius flavimanus) and has never been abroad. Under the suspicion of protein-losing enteropathy, he received various kinds of medical examinations, and was diagnosed as intestinal capillariasis based on characteristic sectional findings of nematode worms in the biopsied small intestine. Adults, juvenile worms, and eggs were also detected in the diarrheic stools collected before and after medication. The clinical symptoms became much better after treatment with albendazole 400 mg daily for 3 days, and all findings were in normal range in laboratory examinations performed after 1 month. The present study is the 6th Korean case of intestinal capillariasis and the 3rd indigenous one in the Republic of Korea.



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