A Case of Acute Pancreatitis Accompanied by Multi-Organ Dysfunction after Colchicine Intoxication

Colchicine 복용 후 다장기 부전과 동반되어 발생한 급성 췌장염 1예

  • Jang, Sun-Joo (Department of Internal Medicine, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine) ;
  • Kim, Kyung-Jo (Department of Internal Medicine, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine) ;
  • Cho, Min-Soo (Department of Internal Medicine, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine) ;
  • Park, Do-Hyun (Department of Internal Medicine, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine) ;
  • Myung, Seung-Jae (Department of Internal Medicine, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine) ;
  • Yang, Suk-Kyun (Department of Internal Medicine, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine) ;
  • Kim, Jin-Ho (Department of Internal Medicine, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine)
  • 장선주 (울산대학교 의과대학 서울아산병원 내과) ;
  • 김경조 (울산대학교 의과대학 서울아산병원 내과) ;
  • 조민수 (울산대학교 의과대학 서울아산병원 내과) ;
  • 박도현 (울산대학교 의과대학 서울아산병원 내과) ;
  • 명승재 (울산대학교 의과대학 서울아산병원 내과) ;
  • 양석균 (울산대학교 의과대학 서울아산병원 내과) ;
  • 김진호 (울산대학교 의과대학 서울아산병원 내과)
  • Published : 2012.05.01


Although intentional colchicine overdose is uncommon, it is a potentially life-threatening condition. Acute pancreatitis due to colchicine overdose has been reported only rarely. A 24-year-old woman ingested 30 tablets of colchicine (a total of 18 mg) with intent to commit suicide. She presented with various clinical features, including gastrointestinal toxicities, acute pancreatitis, electrolyte imbalance, myopathy, bone marrow suppression, and subsequently, hair loss. We report a case of acute pancreatitis due to colchicine intoxication, which was accompanied by various complications; the patient recovered after supportive treatment. In addition to myelosuppression and multiple-organ failure, acute pancreatitis may occur with colchicine intoxication and even worsen after recovery of other manifestations; this has not been reported previously.

Colchicine 중독은 드물게 발생하며 다발성 장기부전이 동반될 경우 높은 사망률을 보인다. 이 증례는 다른 동반 질병이 없는 건강한 젊은 성인에서 colchicine 중독으로 인하여 나타난 소화기계 독성, 전해질 불균형, 근육병증, 골수부전, 탈모증 등의 다양한 경과를 보였으며, 다른 증상의 호전 중 급성 췌장염이 악화된 증례로, colchicine 중독 후 호전 중에도 급성 췌장염이 악화될 수 있어 치료과정에 주의를 기울여야 함을 제시하는 바이다.



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