A Case of Mycobacterium Abscessus Spondylitis

Mycobacterium Abscessus에 의한 척추골수염 1예

  • Kim, Byung-Hoon (Department of Internal Medicine, Gachon University Gil Hospital, Gachon University of Medicine and Science) ;
  • Park, Jin-Sun (Department of Internal Medicine, Gachon University Gil Hospital, Gachon University of Medicine and Science) ;
  • Jang, Young-Rock (Department of Internal Medicine, Gachon University Gil Hospital, Gachon University of Medicine and Science) ;
  • Kim, Jin-Yong (Department of Internal Medicine, Gachon University Gil Hospital, Gachon University of Medicine and Science) ;
  • Cho, Yong-Kyun (Department of Internal Medicine, Gachon University Gil Hospital, Gachon University of Medicine and Science)
  • 김병훈 (가천의과학대학교 길병원 내과) ;
  • 박진선 (가천의과학대학교 길병원 내과) ;
  • 장영락 (가천의과학대학교 길병원 내과) ;
  • 김진용 (가천의과학대학교 길병원 내과) ;
  • 조용균 (가천의과학대학교 길병원 내과)
  • Published : 2012.08.01


The designation nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) applies to mycobacterial species other than organisms of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex and Mycobacterium leprae. In recent decades, the prevalence of human disease caused by NTM has increased; thus, the clinical significance of NTM is increasing. Mycobacterium abscessus is a rapidly growing nontuberculous mycobacterial species that is usually associated with chronic pulmonary disease, posttraumatic soft-tissue infections, nosocomial bloodstream infections, wound infections, and abscesses at the site of prior intramuscular injections; however, vertebral osteomyelitis due to this species is rare. Here, we present a case of vertebral osteomyelitis due to M. abscessus that occurred in a patient with iatrogenic Cushing's syndrome and a history of acupuncture who was treated with wide surgical excision and prolonged combined antibiotic treatment.

비결핵항산균은 결핵균과 나병균을 제외한 항산균을 말하며 최근 우리나라에서 감염률이 점차 증가하고 있어 그 중요성이 크게 대두되고 있는 상황이다. 이들 중 M. abscessus는 대표적인 신속발육군으로 피부, 연조직, 골감염을 흔히 유발한다. 본 증례에서는 상습적으로 침술과 같은 침습적 시술을 시행받고 나서 발생한 M. abscessus척추 골수염 환자에게 항생제 병합치료와 광범위 수술적 처치를 시행하여 완치를 경험하였다.



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  1. Vertebral Osteomyelitis caused byMycobacterium abscessusin an Immunocompetent Patient vol.44, pp.6, 2012,
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