통영연안에 서식하는 보라성게(Anthocidaris crassispina)와 말똥성게(Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus)의 위 내용물과 서식지 해조군락

Stomach Contents of the Sea Urchins, Anthocidaris crassispina and Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus and Characterization of the Marine Algal Community along the Tongyeong Coast of Korea

  • 김남길 (경상대학교 해양생명과학과/해양산업연구소) ;
  • 장재길 (경상대학교 해양생명과학과/해양산업연구소)
  • Kim, Nam-Gil (Department of Marine Biology and Aquaculture/Institute of Marine Industry, Gyeongsang National University) ;
  • Jang, Jae-Gil (Department of Marine Biology and Aquaculture/Institute of Marine Industry, Gyeongsang National University)
  • 투고 : 2011.11.10
  • 심사 : 2012.12.11
  • 발행 : 2012.12.31


The seaweed community and stomach contents of the dominant herbivorous sea urchins Anthocidaris crassispina and Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus were examined from November 2008 to October 2009, in coastal areas of Tongyeong, Korea. Thirty-five seaweeds including two green, nine brown, and 24 red algae, were found over the study period. Seventeen seaweeds (two green, two brown, and 13 red) and two invertebrates were found in the stomachs of A. crassispina. In H. pulcherrimus, stomach contents were two green, one brown, 11 red seaweeds, and two invertebrates. The shell diameter of A. crassispina and H. pulcherrimus ranged from 22.3 to 62.3 mm and 15.3 to 40.1 mm, respectively. Total body weights ranged from 48.5 to 86.7 g for A. crassispina and from 7.7 to 25.9 g for H. pulcherrimus. The total weight of stomach contents were 5.1 to 25.8 g in A. crassispina and 1.7 to 11.8 g in H. pulcherrimus. The range of gonad weight was 3.6 to 17.0 g in A. crassispina and 0.8 to 4.0 g in H. pulcherrimus. The gonad index (GI) for A. crassispina peaked in July and reached a minimum in December, whereas the GI for H. pulcherrimus was highest in February, and lowest in May.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Changes in macroalgal assemblage with sea urchin density on the east coast of South Korea vol.30, pp.2, 1970,