A Survey on the Recognition and Preparation of the Ritual Food and Table Setting by Adult Females in Capital Region

수도권 거주 성인여성의 제례음식과 상차림에 대한 인식과 준비에 관한 조사

  • Park, Jeong Eun (Department of Traditional Dietary Life Food, Graduate School of Traditional Culture and Arts, Sookmyung Women's University) ;
  • Sim, Ki Hyeon (Department of Traditional Dietary Life Food, Graduate School of Traditional Culture and Arts, Sookmyung Women's University)
  • 박정은 (숙명여자대학교 전통문화예술대학원 전통식생활문화전공) ;
  • 심기현 (숙명여자대학교 전통문화예술대학원 전통식생활문화전공)
  • Published : 2012.12.31


This study was made to the adult females over 20's in the family that prepared the ritual food personally or in the family that conducts ritual or did not do the ritual for the religious reasons. And based on the prepare method of the ritual food, ritual and recognition of ritual good. 245 responses which took up 80.86% had responded they do the ritual or semi-ritual and Buddhism was most prominent religion among them. The cost for ritual food also had statically significant differences by the age, marriage status and income and on the terms of the income, more the income was more they spend on the ritual food. The ritual utensil used for the ritual food also show significant differences by the age, marriage status, family make-up formation, religion. The form and meaning of the ritual have been changed as the society changes but is still important subject matter for most of homes. Responders were preparing the ritual with all the sincerity to their ancestors with practical and realistic decisions.



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