MLVA typing of Brucella canis isolated from dogs in Gyeongbuk province, Korea

경북지역 개에서 분리된 Brucella canis의 MLVA-16 typing

  • 김성국 (경상북도가축위생시험소) ;
  • 손준형 (경상북도가축위생시험소) ;
  • 장영술 (경상북도가축위생시험소) ;
  • 김상윤 (경상북도가축위생시험소)
  • Received : 2012.09.05
  • Accepted : 2012.12.20
  • Published : 2012.12.30


Canine brucellosis is the zoonosis in worldwide and Brucella (B.) canis is a facultative intracellular pathogen that has a very limited host. MLVA-16 (Multilocus VNTR analysis) is a efficient method for genotyping of Brucella species. Various methods have been established for genotyping of Brucella species, but most of analytical method is lack reproducibility and limited capability to differentiate them. B. canis isolates (n=73) from 7 farms in Gyeongbuk province in 2003~2010 were analyzed using 16 VNTR loci. Automatic electrophoresis system was utilized for more high throughput and rapid simple discrimination. Thirty two genotypes were identified from 73 B. canis isolates. MLVA could contribute to molecular typing for epidemiological evaluation of canine brucellosis.



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