투석기간에 따른 투석 환자의 불확실성 요인

Factors Influencing Uncertainty in Dialysis Patient by Duration of Dialysis

  • 투고 : 2012.08.30
  • 심사 : 2012.12.08
  • 발행 : 2012.12.31


Purpose: This study was to describe the uncertainty, depression, physical symptom, and family support among patients undergoing dialysis. Further, the factors that impact uncertainty were also examined. Methods: A convenience sample of 145 patients who received dialysis was selected. A descriptive correlation study was conducted. Data were collected using structured questionnaires and the collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis. Results: The patient who received more than five years of dialysis reported higher levels on inconsistency of uncertainty than patient with less than five years. These latter patients' reported uncertainty was positively correlated with depression, whereas, patients family support was correlated with uncertainty. The group's uncertainty with less than five years of dialysis explained about 13% of the variance. In contrast, variables of education level, family support, and monthly income were predictors of uncertainty and explained 33% of the variation. Conclusion: These results can provide for nursing intervention to facilitate reduction of uncertainty. To provide dialysis period-sensitive nursing intervention for uncertainty among dialysis patient, depression should be considered below five years. While factors such as education level, family support, and monthly income should be taken into account over five years.



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