베이비붐세대의 자녀돌봄부담감, 노화불안, 노후준비 및 삶의 질

Baby Boom Generation's Burden for Taking Care of Children, Aging Anxiety, Preparations for Old Age and Quality of Life

  • 김정선 (전남대학교 간호대학) ;
  • 강숙 (전남대학교 간호대학)
  • Kim, Jeong Sun (College of Nursing, Chonnam National University) ;
  • Kang, Sook (College of Nursing, Chonnam National University)
  • 투고 : 2012.07.25
  • 심사 : 2012.11.15
  • 발행 : 2012.12.31


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to provide basic data for use in development of strategy for healthy aging preparation and successful transfer to old age by identifying factors influencing quality of life of the baby boom generation. Methods: The data were collected from a total of 205 members of the baby boom generation(aged 48 to 56), and analysis was performed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression using the SPSS(Version19.0) program. Results: Burden for taking care of children, aging anxiety, preparations for old age, and quality of life according to the general characteristics and health-related characteristics commonly showed a significant difference in education level and presence of stress. The greater the more burden for taking care of children and the deeper the aging anxiety, the lower the quality of life, and the better prepared for aging, the higher the quality of life. Factors affecting quality of life in the baby boom generation included preparations for old age, burden for taking care of children, monthly household income, and quality of sleep. Explanatory power was 32%. Conclusion: For successful transition to old age and for improvement of quality of life in the baby boom generation, a comprehensive approach in micro and macro dimensions will be sought.



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