Student Perceptions of Different Feedback Givers' Written Responses

  • Received : 20120100
  • Published : 2012.03.30


This study aims to investigate the different opinions about feedback given to high level Middle School students about their writing.18 students in the Gifted Program participated in the study. They were divided into three groups through their presurvey answers according to their language learning opportunities and genders. Students language self-assessment was compared with achievement as well. Three times of students' written work were collected. They then received feedback from the teacher and their two peers respectively. With the teachers' and peers' feedback, they completed their final draft. The study then examines how much the students take feedback practically from the different feedback givers. Examples of formative and corrective feedback were arranged to find out the differences in the students practice when giving and taking feedback. These Gifted class students showed that they didn't care much about who gave them the feedback, instead they cared more about how much language competence they presumed the feedback giver had. Implications of the findings are discussed and future study is suggested.
