Awareness Regarding Risk Factors, Symptoms and Treatment Facilities for Cancer in Selected States of India

  • Raj, Sherin (National Institute of Health and Family Welfare) ;
  • Piang, Lam Khan (National Institute of Health and Family Welfare) ;
  • Nair, K.S. (National Institute of Health and Family Welfare) ;
  • Tiwari, V.K. (National Institute of Health and Family Welfare) ;
  • Kaur, Harneet (National Institute of Health and Family Welfare) ;
  • Singh, Bacchu (National Institute of Health and Family Welfare)
  • 발행 : 2012.08.31


Objective: To study the level of awareness and knowledge about cancers and associated risk factors among households in selected states of India. Methods: In the study 3070 households were interviewed from six states viz, West Bengal, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Mizoram. Results: Knowledge of cancers other than those related to tobacco was very low (prostate 8%, colon 11% ) among the communities, with a poor awareness of warning signs and symptoms. The knowledge varied from state to state. It is found that the major source of information related to cancers was television (38%) followed by friends and relatives (36%). Only about 15 % of respondents had knowledge about cancer awareness camps organized in their districts but they did not have knowledge about the organizers of the camp. Findings suggested a strong need for strengthening of DCCP. Conclusion: It is important to create awareness among community through educational programs on cancer prevention, preventable cancer risk factors, benefits of early diagnosis, and availability of screening facilities. Integration of District Cancer Control activities with NRHM could be the most cost-effective strategy to prevent cancers and rural population.



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피인용 문헌

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