Reproduction Strategies of Clonal Plants of Potentilla conferta in Uzbekistan and Mongol

  • 투고 : 2012.07.18
  • 심사 : 2012.11.09
  • 발행 : 2012.11.30


Clonal plants combine sexual and clonal reproduction, which contribute differently to plant fitness. Reproductive analyses have highlighted the importance of clonal growth in shaping the spatial genetic structure in Potentilla conferta Bunge, a herbaceous rhizomatic clonal distributed in hot sand dunes. We investigated the reproduction system of P. conferta at two populations in Mongol and three natural populations in Uzbekistan. The measurements of 19 quantitative or qualitative morphological characters were taken on each of total individuals directly from their natural habitats. Some morphological characteristics between Mongolia and Uzbekistan populations showed a slight heterogeneity of variance. Especially, the length of internodes (LFI and LSI) and characteristics of root (LLR and NOR) were shown a significant difference between two countries (P<0.05). P. conferta of Uzbekistan has most ramets at short distance intervals 30~100 cm. In light conditions, P. conferta of Uzbekistan was significantly less resilience than P. conferta of Mogol. In drought conditions, although there was not shown significant difference, P. conferta in Uzbekistan was less resilience than that in Mogol. The core analysis indicates that P. conferta in Uzbekistan is the more resistant than that of Mongol and seems to do by sexual reproduction strategy during several strong environmental disadvantages such as drought events.



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