Study on Comparison of Industrial Static Analysis Tools to Verify the Design Principles for Software Unit Design and Implementation of ISO 26262

ISO 26262의 소프트웨어 설계원리 적용에 대한 검증 도구의 비교 연구

  • Heo, Jeho (IT evaluation center, Korea Testing Laboratory) ;
  • Lee, Hongseok (IT evaluation center, Korea Testing Laboratory) ;
  • Ko, Byeonggak (IT evaluation center, Korea Testing Laboratory)
  • 허제호 (한국산업기술시험원 IT융합검증센터) ;
  • 이홍석 (한국산업기술시험원 IT융합검증센터) ;
  • 고병각 (한국산업기술시험원 IT융합검증센터)
  • Received : 2012.07.31
  • Accepted : 2012.10.23
  • Published : 2012.12.01


One of the activities to improve software quality in ISO 26262 is to apply the design principles for software unit design and implementation mentioned in ISO 26262-6, including the evaluation activity. Before evaluation activity, the tool is compared and selected for evaluation. Because the results of the tool a company selected might have an effect on product quality. In this paper, we suggest the method to compare industrial static analysis tools with some of "MISRA C : 2004 Exemplar Suite" and all lessons learned from comparing tools are described. The result on comparison shows that we just couldn't rely on a result of Static Analysis Tool and need to have another appropriate processes and guidelines to evaluate a software.



  1. ISO 26262-3 (2011), ISO 26262 : Road vehicles-Functional safety-Part3 : Concept Phase, ISO.
  2. ISO 26262-6 (2011), ISO 26262 : Road vehicles-Functional safety-Part6 : Product development at the software level, ISO.
  3. Matti Mantere and Ilkks Uusitalo (2009), Comparison of Static Code Analysis Tools, Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Emergin Security Information, System and Technologies, 15-22, IEEE computer society.
  4. MISRA (2004), MISRA C : 2004 : Guidelines for the Use of the C Language in Critical Systems, MISRA.
  5. PAar Emanuelsson and Ulf Nilsson (2008), A Comparative Study of Industrial Static Analysis Tools, Technical reports in Computer and Information, Science Report number 2008 : 3.