지르코니아와 레진 시멘트의 결합

Bonding to zirconia with resin cements

  • 임범순 (서울대학교 치의학대학원 치과생체재료과학교실) ;
  • 허수복 (서울대학교 치의학대학원 치과생체재료과학교실)
  • Lim, Bum-Soon (Department of Dental Biomaterials Science, School of Dentistry, Seoul National University) ;
  • Her, Soo-Bok (Department of Dental Biomaterials Science, School of Dentistry, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 2011.05.01


The introduction of zirconia-based materials to the dental field broadened the design and application limits of, all-ceramic restorations. Most ceramic restorations are adhesively luted to the prepared tooth, however, resin bonding to zirconia components is less reliable than those to other dental ceramic systems. It is important for high retention, prevention of microleakage, and increased fracture resistance, that bonding techniques be improved for zirconia systems. Strong resin bonding relies on micromechanical interlocking and adhesive chemical bonding to the ceramic surface, requiring surface roughening for mechanical bonding and surface activation for chemical adhesion. In many cases, high strength ceramic restorations do not require adhesive bonding to tooth structure and can be placed using conventional cements which rely only on micromechanical retention. However, resin bonding is desirable in some clinical situations. In addition, it is likely that strong chemical adhesion would lead to enhanced long-term fracture and fatigue resistance in the oral environment.



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