ORIGINAL ARTICLE - 큰스승 박명진(朴明鎭)

ORIGINAL ARTICLE - Respectable Leader, Dr. Park Myoung-Jin

  • 투고 : 2011.11.04
  • 심사 : 2011.11.24
  • 발행 : 2011.11.01


Park Myoung Jin (1903-1957) was a respectable leader who disseminated dental medical education to make our path as the leading dental medical education developing a new global history of dental medicine. Dr. Park was born in Seoul on 3 July 1903. He graduated Kyongseong dental medical school and studied at the pharmacology department achieving his M.D. In 1938, as the president representing the Hanseong dentists association equivalent to the Japanese dentists association, Dr. Park participated in various events. After liberation, Dr. Park tried his best to achieve Korean dental medical education as the pursuit of ideal ego with self-centered ego. He reorganized the Kyongseong dental medical school and incorporated it to the Seoul National University dental college. Even during the Korea war, Dr. Park still sincerely carried out his duties as the director of the Seoul National University dental medical college by recruiting university entrants and turned out graduates. In 1954, Dr. Park as the director of the Seoul National University dental medical college, he frontiered an opportunity to adapt the American dental medicine by sending school staffs to study overseas. On 25 June 1954, Dr. Park received 25 years of meritorius service award presented by Seoul National University Dental Medical College. Further, on 6 Aril 1954, Dr. Park became a member of an academic research committee. In April 1946, Dr. Park was elected as the president of the Chosun Dentists Association(Korean Dental Association). On 19 May 1947, Dr. Park was also appointed as the director of the Korea dental medicine association leading the general meetings and academic conferences from 2nd through the 8th sessions. On 30 November 1954, as the president of the Korea dental medicine association, Dr. Park also published the Korea dental association publications. In 1957, Dr. Park donated the school housing for the principle of the Kyongseong dental medical school establishing the basis for the Korea dentists association center. Dr. Park also participated in establishment of the oral hygiene campaigne, dental administration policy, organization of the specialized subject delegation board members and the dental materials association. On 10 December 1955, we can recognize Dr. Park's respective historical consciousness through his declaration 'history is a true record of historical traces of a national'. Dr. Park was a living witness of the Korean dental industry. Especially, he stated that the origin of the Korean dentists association was in the Hanseong dentists association. Dr. Park overcame the pressure and indignity during the Japanese colonization. The joy of liberation did not last long since he also had to experience the fraticidal tragedy of the Korea war. Dr. Park was a professional dental specialist and a leader researching dental medicine. He was a great leader who understood the dental medicine and dedicated for the dentist association and dental medicine association with compassion for the nation and national as a Korean.



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