푸리어1(1822) 그 후

  • 발행 : 2011.09.30


본 논문에서는 신호 정보의 뿌리를 더듬어 분석했다. 통신신호 처리 분야의 선구자(pioneer)인 푸리에(Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier, 1768~1830)가 1822년 발표한 푸리에 행렬은 하나의 매개변수(parameter)로 고정된 값을 갖지만, 멀티미디어에 대한 요구가 급증한 오늘날의 상황에 맞추어 2N-1의 매개변수를 갖는 수정된 푸리에 행렬을 제안, 중계 망(Relay Network)으로 어떻게 적용하는지와 융합 DFT와 DCT-II를 보이고, 직교 푸리에 다중 분할(Orthogonal Fourier Division Multiplexing, OFDM) 의 변천과 표준화에 대해 간략히 논한다.



  1. 이문호, 뿌리 찾는 정보 통신 이야기, 김영사, 1994.
  2. Moon Ho Lee, "High Speed Multidimensional Systolic Arrays for Discrete Fourier Transform", IEEE Transactions on Circuit and System, vol. 39, no. 12, December 1992.
  3. S. Bouguezel, M. O. Ahmad, and M. N. S. Swamy, "New Parametric Discrete Fourier and Hartley Transforms, and Algorithms for Fast Computation" , IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, vol. 58, no. 3, March 2011.
  4. Moon Ho Lee, M. M. Matalgah, and Wei Song, "Fast method for precoding and decoding of distributive multi-input multi- output channels in relay-based decode-and-forward cooperative wireless networks", lET Communications, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 144-153, January 2010.
  5. Moon Ho Lee, "A Novel Class of Element-wise Inverse Jacket Transform with Many Parameters", Algebraic & Combinatorial Coding Theory(ACCT 2010), September 5-11, 2010, Russia.
  6. Moon Ho Lee, X. D. Zhang, Wei Song, and X. G. Xia, "Fast Reciprocal Jacket Transform with Many Parameters", Accepted in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and System- I, Regular paper.
  7. R. R. Mosier and R. G. Clabaugh, "Kineplex: A Bandwidth Efficient Binary Transmission System", AlEE Trans. Part 1: Communications & Electronics, vol. 76, pp. pp 723-728, January 1958. https://doi.org/10.1109/TCE.1958.6372736
  8. R. W. Chang, "Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing", U.S. Patent 3,488,445, filed Nov. 4 1966, issued Jan. 1970.
  9. S. B. Weinstein and Paul M. Ebert, "Data Transmission by Frequency-Division Multiplexing Using the Discrete Fourier Transform", IEEE Transactions on communication technology, vol. COM-19, no. 5, pp. 628-634, October 1971.
  10. Zou, W. Y., and Y. Wu, "COFDM: an Overview", IEEE Transactions Broadcasting, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 1-8, March 1995. https://doi.org/10.1109/11.372015
  11. Porter, G. C., "Error Distribution and Diversity Performance of a Frequency Differential PSK HF Modem", IEEE Transactions on communication technology, vol. COM-16, pp. 567-575, August 1968.
  12. M. S. Zimmerman and A. L. Kirsch, "The AN/GSC-10(KATHRYN) Variable Data Modem for HF Radio", IEEE Transactions on communication technology, vol. COM-15, pp. 197-205, August 1967.
  13. Hirosaki, B., "An Orthogonally Multiplexed QAM System Using the Discrete Fourier Transform", IEEE Transactions on communication technology, vol. COM-29, pp. 982-989, July 1981.
  14. S. Hala, M. Mouri, M. Okada and N. Morinaga, "Transmission Performance Analysis of Multi-Carrier Modulation in Frequency Selective Fast Rayleigh Fading Channel," Wireless Personal Communications, Kluwer Academic Publishers, vol. 2, pp. 335-356, 1996. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01099340
  15. T. S. Rappaport, Wireless Communication Principles & Practice, Prentice-Hall PTR, New Jersey, 1996.
  16. 조용수, 무선멀티미디어 통신을 위한 OFDM의 기초, 대영사
  17. Goran S. Nikolic, Fourier Transforms-Approach to Scientific Principles, Chapter 8. D. Park, Moon Ho Lee "Orthogonal Doscrete Fourier and Cosine Matrices for Signal Processing" INTECHWEB.ORG, 2011