미래 유망 산업/직업 그리고 자격 예측을 위한 의사결정 방법에 관한 연구

A Study on the Decision Making Method for Prospective Industry/Occupation and Qualification

  • 투고 : 2011.03.21
  • 심사 : 2011.09.19
  • 발행 : 2011.09.30


Nowadays, many countries have strived to promote prospective industries and occupations at the national level under the global circumstances such as green growth, job creation and so on. For this reason, the decision making method for qualifications foresight which will be available for the mentioned category-prospective industry and occupation- is required for it's feasibility. Pilot surveys on future workforce demand and promotion policies on service industries which are selected as a prospective industry or occupation by government parties were conducted through this research. Based on them, available qualifications-including not only national(skill) qualification but also private qualification- which can be created for prospective industries and occupations related to green growth and job creation were predicted. On the other hand, observing the change of service industry, occupation and qualification abroad, this research attempts to present the decision making method for verifying the decision' validity on qualification in Korean service industry and related occupation. Applying multicriteria decision making, a preference was examined for checking the validity of the created qualifications by prospective service industries and occupations in both sides-experts and laypeople. Based on it's result, the research was conducted regarding a validity of new qualifications in prospective industries and occupations.



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