A Study on the Context-Aware Reasoning Filtering Mechanism in USN

  • Sung, Kyung (Dept. of Computer Education, Mokwon University) ;
  • Kim, Seok-Hun (TIME SYSTEM Co., Ltd.) ;
  • Hong, Min (Department of Computer Software Engineering, Soonchunhyang University)
  • Received : 2011.07.27
  • Accepted : 2011.08.10
  • Published : 2011.08.31


Context-awareness system can provide an optimized services to users. Analyzing physical and complex circumstance elements which give direct or indirect influence to users can tell what users want. However, there are various situation informations around users and it requires high level technology to extract the service what users really want among those informations. The circumstance of the user can be changed from moment to moment, even the service what users want also can be changed in every minutes. Recently the researches to provide the service which a user demands has been progressed actively. Web based filtering method which reaches commercialization is a one of good examples. This method extracts necessary data according to users' demands from the documents on the Web or multimedia informations. However, there is a limit to use it to provide Context-awareness service because it extracts static data, not dynamic data. There is also other researches with a rule based filtering method in progress to filter situation information but this method doesn't have mechanism for dynamic data as well. We would like to solve these problems by providing a dynamic situation information filtering mechanism applying an weighted value about each property of objects and also applying Web based dynamic categories in this paper when unnecessary data should be filtered.



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