The Drift Velocity of Electrons in CF4, CH4, Ar Mixtures Gas

CF4, CH4, Ar 혼합기체의 전자이동속도

  • 김상남 (인천대학교 전기공학과)
  • Received : 2011.05.31
  • Accepted : 2011.07.21
  • Published : 2011.09.01


Drift Velocity of Electrons in pure $CF_4$, $CH_4$ and mixtures of $CF_4$ and Ar. Have been analyzed over a range of the reduced electric field strength between 0.1 and 350[Td] by the two-term approximation of the Boltzmann equation (BEq.) method and the Monte Carlo simulation (MCS). The results of the Boltzmann equation and the Monte Carlo simulation have been compared with the data presented by several workers. The deduced transport coefficients for electrons agree reasonably well with the experimental and simulation data obtained by Nakamura and Hayashi. The energy distribution function of electrons in $CF_4$-Ar mixtures shows the Maxwellian distribution for energy. That is, f(${\varepsilon}$) has the symmetrical shape whose axis of symmetry is a most probably energy. The measured results and the calculated results have been compared each other.



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