A Study on Changes in Cost of Housing at Marriage by Age Group in Terms of Inter-generational Transfers

세대간 자산이전측면에서 연령대에 따른 결혼시 주거자금 마련 변화추이

  • 이소영 (중앙대학교 디자인학부 실내환경디자인.주거환경학과)
  • Received : 2011.06.17
  • Accepted : 2011.08.17
  • Published : 2011.08.31


Unequal distribution of shares among children during intergenerational transference of assets has been prevalent in Korea. This study intends to examine whether parental contribution, in the form of a cash gift, is differentiated between the bride's side and the bridegroom's side at marriage and by age group. This pattern may also change according to the generation. Questionnaires were equally distributed to members of three previously delineated age groups: 20' s-30' s, 40's -50's, and 60's and above who are married or have been married at least once and reside in Seoul or Gyeonggi province. A total of 700 questionnaires were analyzed using SPSS and the data were sorted by age group. The results indicate an apparent difference between the husband's side and the wife's side in providing funding for housing at marriage in that a large portion of the funding is provided by the husband's side. Among various funding sources, a cash gift from the couple's parents appears to fund the largest portion of the total cost for housing and marriage. Results show that a cash gift from the couple's parents funds a larger portion of housing expenses for younger generations, a phenomenon that becomes more severe and apparent the younger the couple is.



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