Experiences as Consumers: In-Depth Interview of Thai Students Studying in Korea

  • Received : 2011.03.31
  • Accepted : 2011.06.08
  • Published : 2011.06.30


This study aims to understand the experiences as consumers of Thai students studying in Korea. "Study Korea Project" which is a drive to globalize local universities by attracting more oversea students as a pull factor, and economic growth, values on education and Hallyu as push factors contribute to the increase the number of Thai students in Korea. In order to understand the experiences of Thai students as consumers studying in Korea, individual interviews were conducted. A total of 5 participants were asked about meaning of consumption in everyday life in Korea or any changes in consumption behavior compared to living in Thai. Three themes were identified through wholistic and selective approaches. First, all participants in the study said that they were surprised because of high living expense in Korea. Consequently, survival itself is too much for them and they have become more conscious of prices of goods. Secondly, since most participants in this study can control their own budget, they feel some degree of freedom and power of control of their own lives. This experience may help them to accomplish their developmental tasks during the transition to adulthood. Thirdly, they are easily imbued with Korean consumer culture. It causes various conflicts between buying and not-buying or friends gathering and saving money. Sometimes it makes them in stuck excessive consumption and financial problems. For a deeper understanding of oversea students' lives in Korea as consumers, further studies should take into consideration of not only their culture of origins, but also misconceptions that have accumulated around these students.



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