도시 신진대사 관점에서 본 저탄소 녹색도시 계획특성 및 사례 분석

Characteristics and case study of Low Carbon Green City planning from the perspective of Urban Metabolism

  • 투고 : 2010.10.29
  • 심사 : 2011.10.25
  • 발행 : 2011.10.31


Industrialization and development of technology satisfied various humanly needs and lay the basis of numerous benefit and profit. New technologies like these mostly required large amounts of fossil Fuel, Fossil energy depletion rate was increasing rapidly. However, technical development for Human race required absolute sacrifice of the environment. Especially, 'City' which had been focused as stage of human activities, allowed to continue to have fossil energy dependent activities, and it shows in many data that the city is responsible for the 75-80% of the green house gas by human. In order to solve the problem relating climate changes and energy, European countries already made progress studies on many of the low carbon green city and pilot case construction. Especially, Germany, Austria, Holland, Sweden who had been playing leader role on environmental awareness and ecological concept, are actively constructing low carbon green city project based on Ecological city planning scheme. These projects positively utilize planning scheme that limits carbon emission using Urban Metabolism concept. Therefore, throughout this study, I would like to present planning and direction of future domestic low carbon green city by analyzing theories relative theories and best practices in Europe.



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