공동주택 내 커뮤니티 활성화를 위한 주민공동시설 설치기준과 주민 만족도와의 관계 분석

An Analysis of Relation between Supply Criteria of Public Facilities and Residents' Satisfaction for the Community Revitalization in the Apartments

  • 투고 : 2011.09.30
  • 심사 : 2011.12.15
  • 발행 : 2011.12.31


This study examines the current status on the supply of community facilities based on the supply criteria of present welfare facilities. Analyzing satisfaction of residents about community facilities based on physical supply criteria. The study sets up the concept and proposed trend of the related studies and distinction through the examination of previous researches. Next, the present systematical supply criteria, was used to make indication in order to propose the promotion of improvement on supply criteria for community facilities. Multi dimensional analyzing system and the satisfaction level of the community facility was used to analyze the relationship between the two. The direction of policy improvement according to the analysis is as per the following. First, it is necessary to improve supply criteria of household to guarantee the minimal amount of space. Second, specification of the minimum distance of community facility to residential area in the complex is needed. Also, the presentation of bottom boundary line of the formation area size to expand the size up to minimal level of size is needed. Third, resident exercise facility supply criteria among the community facility supply criteria need to be improved from the number of household base to the size for each household base. Forth, resident resting facility criteria among the community facility supply criteria should be changed from the present criteria of one facility per five hundred households.



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