A Case Study of Student Generation Questioning Strategy on Engineering Education

공학교육에서 학생 생성 질문 교수학습방법을 적용한 수업 사례연구

  • Received : 2011.07.29
  • Accepted : 2011.12.01
  • Published : 2011.11.30


The purposes of this study are to describe the case of student generation questioning strategy on engineering education and to find advantages of applying this strategy and any suggestions of this strategy for the improvement. First of all, Questioning Sheet, the methods of applying the sheet and evaluation were developed, And then instructional model for using this strategy was designed which is with this sheet students are encouraged to ask questions at the beginning and the end of class. K class is for the sophomore of Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering in K University. 40 students were visited. Among them 8 was female student and 32 was male students. Only 20 students were used the questioning sheet and asked the questions. The rest of students did not use the questioning sheet. And high achievement students were more asked questions than low achievement students. At the end of the semester, the attitude and the satisfaction of the class were investigated. Achievements of students were measured also. Students of generating questions are more achieved and more satisfied. Students who generated questions have more positive attitude for the study.



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