Concatenated Zigzag(CZZ) Code for Improving Error Performance of Uplink Data in Marine Environment

해상 환경에서의 업링크 데이터의 오류성능 개선을 위한 CZZ 부호화

  • Received : 2011.04.27
  • Accepted : 2011.07.08
  • Published : 2011.08.05


We can model marine uplink channel environment as time-correlated rician fading channel that has direct path and time varying reflected path. In this channel, error performance of uncoded system can be seriously degraded by multipath inteference. In this paper, we propose Concatenated Zigzag(CZZ) coded binary FSK signaling with noncoherent detection to improve error performance of uplink data in marine environment. CZZ code is a kind of channel coding scheme that is fast decodable as well as fast encodable. We have confirmed error performance of uplink data in marine environment can be improved dramatically through applying CZZ code.



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