시스템사고를 통한 사교육비경감정책 평가: 노무현 정부와 이명박 정부를 중심으로

Evaluation of Policy for Reduction of Private Tutoring Expenditure based on Systems Thinking: Focusing on Roh and Lee Governments

  • 백우정 (한국교원대학교 교육정책전문대학원) ;
  • 최종덕 (한국교원대학교 교육정책전문대학원)
  • 발행 : 2011.12.31


The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the policies for reducing private tutoring expenditure in Roh Mu Hyun and Lee Myeong Bak Government using Causal Loop analysis based on the Systems Thinking perspective. The results are as follows. First, high educational achievers receive more private tutoring than lowers and children who have rich parents have better chance to take private tutoring than the others. It reflects the social characteristics which emphasize the academic ability and educational background. Second, two governments implemented educational policies to control the private tutoring expenditure as balancing loops ; strengthening public education, providing after school programs and EBS KSAT teaching and improving the entrance exam of university. Third, they overlooked the unintended feedback loops coming from 1) incongruity between causes and countermeasures of shadow education 2) wrong perception of substitutional relationship between public education and shadow education 3) side effect of the policy increasing the weight of student record 4) problems of diversifying high schools 5) dilemma of easing the burden of testing through admission officer system. The conclusion is that policies of reducing the private education expenses have failed because two governments don't consider unintended Feedback Loops in the process of making education policies. So we have to make policies based on Systems Thinking and reducing private education expenses should not be the purpose of strengthening the public education.
