멍게(Halocynthia roretzi)의 계절별 생리적 변화 및 에너지 수지

Physiological Changes and Energy Budget of the Sea Squirt Halocynthia roretzi from Tongyeong, South Coast of Korea

  • 신윤경 (국립수산과학원 전략양식연구소 양식관리과) ;
  • 전제천 (국립수산과학원 전략양식연구소 양식관리과) ;
  • 김응오 (국립수산과학원 전략양식연구소 양식관리과) ;
  • 허영백 (국립수산과학원 남동해수산연구소)
  • Shin, Yun-Kyung (Aquaculture Management Division, Aquaculture Research Institute, NFRDI) ;
  • Jun, Je-Cheon (Aquaculture Management Division, Aquaculture Research Institute, NFRDI) ;
  • Kim, Eung-Oh (Aquaculture Management Division, Aquaculture Research Institute, NFRDI) ;
  • Hur, Young-Baek (Southeast Sea Fisheries Research Institute, NFRDI)
  • 투고 : 2011.04.26
  • 심사 : 2011.07.22
  • 발행 : 2011.08.30


The sea squirt Halocynthia roretzi is mainly cultured in Tongyeong, Southern coastal area of Korea. This study presents the physiological rates of respiration, excretion, feeding and assimilation efficiency of the sea squirt Halocynthia roretzi to analyze the SFG(scope for growth) and net growth efficiency, determined during 2007. Oxygen consumption and nitrogen excretion rates increased with a rise in temperature during the summer period whereas feeding rates decreased. The O:N ratio was high during winter(October to February). Assimilation efficiency showed an annual average of 75.4% during the experimental period, except during a period of elevated temperature in July to September(average $25^{\circ}C$). Net growth efficiency($K_2$) was 8.7 to 64.2% except for May to September, when temperature increased at the aquaculture farm. SFG was negative from May to September, reflecting high temperatures and low feeding rates during this period; its highest positive values occurred during winter.



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