시대적변천에 따른 아파트단지의 경관적특성 및 선호도에 관한 연구 - 청주시 아파트 단지를 대상으로 -

A Periodic Change of Landscape Charicteristics and Visual Preference with Open Space of Apartment Complex -Specially Focused on Apartment Sites in Cheongju City-

  • Shim, Sang-Ryul (Dept. of Environmental Landscape Architecture, Cheongju University)
  • 투고 : 2011.01.31
  • 심사 : 2011.04.22
  • 발행 : 2011.04.30


The open space of apartment complex has changed diversely according to construction periods which were divided into the introduction stage (the 1980s), the development stage (the 1990s), and the maturity stage (after 1999). This study set out to analyze the periodic changes of visual characteristics and preference with the open space of apartment complexes in Cheongju City. For analysis of visual characteristics and preference, nineteen adjectives that were determined to sufficiently express the feeling of the open space of apartment complex. The results are as follows. As for adjective image assessment by using descriptive statistics, favorable images were shown in complexes of maturity stage phase that were constructed after the liberalization of apartment sale in 1999. These results may be caused both by quantitative increase and diversification of materials in planting and landscaping furniture and by nature-friendly designing. The results of factor analysis by Varimax rotation method showed that common variance was 73.9%, which indicates higher explanation. The nineteen adjectives could be divided into three factors, 'pleasantness factor,' 'negative factor,' and 'irregular factor.' Visual preference was analysed by using Least significant Difference (LSD) by analysis of variance : complexes of maturity stage phase that were constructed according to the liberalization of apartment sale in 1999 were highest in assessment. The correlation between view preference and adjective images was analyzed by multiple regression analysis, and 'feeling like walking,' 'well-arranged,' 'beautiful,' 'friendly,' and 'clean' (in order) were adjective images that most affected the preference. As for the analysis of the correlation between visual preference and physical components of view, the preference increased as the rate of pavement and greens was higher, while it decreased as size of building was larger. Therefore, backgrounds of walking and greens had strong effects on the preference.



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