Novel Coloration of Cotton Fabrics by UV-induced Phtografting of Reactive Black 5 and Acrylic acid

  • Dong, Yuanyuan (Dept. of Nano-Bio Textile Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technology) ;
  • Jang, Jin-Ho (Dept. of Nano-Bio Textile Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technology)
  • 투고 : 2011.03.07
  • 심사 : 2011.03.22
  • 발행 : 2011.03.27


UV-induced surface copolymerization has been widely applied as a simple, useful and versatile approach to improve the surface properties of textiles. C.I. Reactive Black 5 and acrylic acid (AA) were continuously grafted onto cotton by UV irradiation. The photografting may occur by the copolymerization of AA with the vinylsulfone reactive dye which photochemically converted from the bissulfatoethylsulfone reactive group. The graft yield and color yield were influenced by UV energy, the dye and photoinitiator concentrations, a mole ratio of AA to dye, and pH. The coloration of cotton fabrics having a K/S of 7.0 can be obtained under a UV irradiation energy of 15$J/cm^2$ by the photografting of an aqueous alkaline formulation of 6% dye concentration containing 3% photoinitiator concentration on the weight of monomers, and a 3:1 mole ratio addition of AA to the dye. Furthermore, the photochemically dyed cotton fabrics showed comparable washing (staining) and rubbing fastness to conventional reactive dyeing method except shade change in the wash fastness and light fastness.



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