"황제내경소문주(黃帝內經素問注)"의 도가서(道家書) 인용에서 나타난 왕빙(王冰)의 현학사상(玄學思想) 고찰 - 『장자(莊子)』 등을 중심으로

A Study on the Hyeon-hak(玄學) idea of Wang-bing(王冰) from the quotations of Taoism Books

  • 김도훈 (경원대학교 한의과대학 원전의사학교실)
  • Kim, Do-Hoon (Kyungwon University Oriental Medical College, Dep.of Oriental Medical Classics & History)
  • 투고 : 2011.02.21
  • 심사 : 2011.03.21
  • 발행 : 2011.03.25


For the purpose of understanding Wang-bing's idea, which was influenced by Taoism and Hyeon-hak(玄學), I investigated the quotations of Taoism Books such as Jang-ja(莊子) in the Hwangje-Naegyeongsomunju(黃帝內經素問注), and came to the following conclusions. In the process of writing notes on the Hwangje-Naegyeongsomun, Wang-bing quoted Taoism Books such as Jang-Ja 10 times at 8 passeges which suggest the idea of Hyeon-hak. Through this annotating process, he suggested the vision of the Hyeon-hak idea which pursued the harmony of system and human nature. In the process of the annotating, he expressed the way of sage who practicing the caring of one's own health. And he emphasized on body and perfectly preserving of nature of oneself. Wang-bing especially emphsized on cultivating of one's mind while he insisting one's human nature. This means he pursued one's nature under the actual system, which was different from general Taoism. It was Hyeon-hak idea. So we can interpret Wang-bing as a sucessor of Hyeon-hak philosophers of Wi-Jin(魏晋) period.



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