A Comparative Study on Primary Gifted Education Systems in Korea and China

한국과 중국의 초등영재교육의 분석 및 고찰

  • Received : 2011.04.06
  • Accepted : 2011.04.27
  • Published : 2011.04.30


This study was carried out to analyze primary gifted education systems in Korea and China. The results of the research are as follows : (1) The objectives of the gifted children education of two countries are same. They intend to dig out hidden talent and giftedness of gifted children. They emphasize the development of creativity in the gifted children through the various special teaching methods. (2) Korea has been doing the gifted education limitedly focused on the 4th grade students in elementary school after regular school curriculum, but China has performed gifted education from primary school to university quite systematically. (3) Korea tend to select the students based on the objective sources such as teachers' observation, recommendation, school scores, but this has limit to find out the real potential genius. China has the similar problems, but they consider of the comprehensive talented and abilities in students at school unit level. (4) Both countries have the teacher training systems for study to make more efficient programs and methods in gited education. It has been emphasized the necessity of gifted education to expand the range and target. Most of all it is very essential to train the teachers to manipulate the gifted education programs. The government should be persue the multiplicity and professionality now. So there are so many things to learn from China since they managed the gifted education in a regular curriculum of the school.



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