Body Image in Older People as It Relates to Exercise and Dieting

  • Oh, Keun-Young (Fashion Textile Technology, Buffalo State College-SUNY)
  • 투고 : 2011.04.13
  • 심사 : 2011.06.28
  • 발행 : 2011.06.30


Older people have increased interest and involvement in controlling their aging body through physical exercise and dieting. This study examined the relationship between body image and the participation of older people in exercise and dieting. Two measures of body image (appearance attitude and appearance orientation) were used to study their relationships to participation in exercise and dieting among older people. Data were collected via a mail survey of older married couples residing in three U.S. metropolitan areas of Florida. A total of 94 couples who were 60 years older participated in this study. Multiple regression was run separately for men and women. The results indicated that for both men and women, appearance attitude was inversely related to dieting and positively related with exercise (even though the relationship with exercise was weak for men). Appearance orientation was not significantly related to exercise or dieting for both men and women. A new scale development on body image for an aging population was suggested. Various activities performed by aging people to manage their aging body and appearance need to be studied as related to physical and psychological well-being that includes body image.



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