Surver and Construction in Gabensis village, Papua New Guinea

파푸아뉴기니 가벤시스마을 현황과 전망

  • Published : 2011.06.20


Gabensis village is one of the biggest village In the Wampar Local Level Government area within the Huon Gulf District of Morobe Province with a population of around 3,000. The major staple food is banana which is well complemented by minor staples yam, cassava, Singapore/Chinese taro and sweet potato. Apart from gardening for own consumption, the villagers engage in selling of vegetables, garden staples, cocoa beans, coconuts, timber, chicken, fish and pig meat to supplement their livelihood. Livestock like pigs and chickens are also kept for meat and for commercial purpose. Bettlenut which was once one of the main cash crops has now been overtaken by cocoa due to a disease that had attacked almost the entire bettlenut tree population in the area. Even though the Wau-Bulolo highway cuts through the village and all have access to transport infrastructure, the majority of the population still encounter problems in communication due to poor telecommunication coverage. On average most people earn not more than K50 per week due to constrains in production and marketing among others. Gabensis village has the potential to develop a tourism industry given its natural attraction of Lake Wanam. Beside there is also the natural eel farming and the fish pond at the nearby Potsie village. These natural attractions pose huge tourism potential for the community. As part of government services delivery and development, education and health issues is very much important in the community however there is lack of infrastructural development and poor service delivery especially in the area of health. However, the responsibility is on the community to organize themselves to realize that potential. A well developed agro-ecotourism investments would have positive spillover effects to the community thus contributing towards improving the livelihoods of the many farming families.

1. Gabensis 마을은 3천여명의 인구를 가진 Morobe 지역의 Wampar 지방 정부 수준 영역에서 가장 큰 마을 중 하나이다. 2. 주식은 바나나를 비롯하여 마, 카사바, 토란과 고구마가 있다. 그 외에도 마을 사람들이 그들의 생계를 보완하기 위해 야채, 코코아 가루, 코코넛, 목재, 닭고기, 생선, 돼지고기 생산 및 판매에 종사하고 있다. 3. Gabensis 마을 호수 Wanam호수의 자연적인 매력은 농촌관광 사업으로 개발 가능한 잠재력이 있다. 특히, 에코빌리지를 중심으로 지역 사회를 위한 거대한 경관농업의 가치 창조가 필요하다. 정부 서비스 제공과 개발, 교육 및 건강 문제의 일환으로 중요한 지역이다. 4. 넓은 경지면적을 지니고 있지만 경지 정리 및 수리시설 미비로 농업용수가 부족하고 농사에서도 기술수준이 낮아 농업 생산성이 떨어진다. 생산 기술만 제공되면 마가 향후 마을의 중심 작목으로 주민들의 중요한 소득원이 될 것을 기대하고 있다.
