An Analysis on the Use of Illustrations of the 'Unit of Living with Animals' of the Elementary Practical Arts Textbooks

실과 교과서 기술의 세계 영역 '동물과 함께하는 생활' 단원의 화보처리방식 분석

  • Received : 2011.06.22
  • Accepted : 2011.09.30
  • Published : 2011.12.31


The purpose of this study was to analyze and to compare the use of illustrations of the elementary practical arts textbooks and to make suggestions for an improvement of the use of illustrations in elementary practical arts textbooks. It is expected that the results of this study can be used by textbook developers, publishers, and teachers in their efforts to improve the quality of elementary practical arts textbooks. For the study, 'Units of Raising Animals' in the sixth grade practical arts textbooks in Korea was selected and analyzed according to the three criteria: kinds of illustrations, sizes of illustrations and purposes of illustrations. In this study, the following facts were found. First, 2007 revised practical arts textbooks have about 5.2 illustrations per page whereas 7th practical arts ones have 4.2. Second, even though 2007 revised practical arts textbooks are highly dependent on photographs, kinds of illustrations of 2007 revised practical arts textbooks have more ratio of pictures, cartoons and diagrams than the ones in the 7th practical arts textbooks. Third, sizes of illustrations of the 2007 revised practical arts textbooks are ordered in small, medium, large size illustrations and there was an increase in medium sized illustrations. Lastly, the purpose of the illustrations from the 2007 revised practical arts textbooks are on the decrease the supply of learning materials but there was an increase in the learning motive induction and guidance for experiment.



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