연근해어선에 승무하는 외국인 어선원의 관리방안

A Study on Management of Foreign Seamen on Board Coastal & Offshore Fishing Boats

  • 투고 : 2011.06.25
  • 심사 : 2011.08.20
  • 발행 : 2011.09.30


Due to changes in internal and external environment of coastal & offshore fishery such as decrease in coastal & offshore fishery resources, rising labor costs, rising gas prices, rising turnover rate of seamen, and intensified avoiding 4D types of business, the domestic seamen's avoidance of going to sea is being intensified. In order to solve the problems of domestic seamen shortage, coastal & offshore fishery businesses prefer to employ foreign seamen whose wages are relatively low, so employment of foreign seamen continues to increase. However, the foreign seamen system has the problems in selecting and managing seamen but these problems have been not adequately dealt with, so damages to fishery business continue to occur due to the seamen's deserting. The cases, in which foreigners who entered the country to take the sea in coastal & offshore fishing boats deserted their workplace, recorded 36.4% as of 2010. So in order to achieve the purpose of the foreign seamen system itself through rational management of foreign seamen, the exclusive organization to manage foreign seamen should be established and the system to rationally select foreign seamen who have experiences of fishery should be established. The utilization of foreign seamen during off season needs to be maximized by establishing the employment connection system for the management of foreign seamen and employment stabilization, and the exclusive organization for education of foreign seamen and the organization for nurturing domestic seamen need to be established and operated.



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