내러티브에 기반한 교육과정 장학 모형 개발의 예비적 탐색

Preliminary Study of Developing the Curriculum Supervision Model Based on the Narrative

  • 투고 : 2011.06.20
  • 심사 : 2011.08.14
  • 발행 : 2011.09.30


The purpose of this study is to investigate the model of curriculum supervision that can substantialize the educational value by studying actual condition and problems of present curriculum supervision. And this study focuses on reciprocal actions based on communication and dialogs. As the model of supervision mentioned above, this research proposes the supervision model of curriculum based on narrative. We need to move the view point of bureaucratic administrative supervision to new vision. For the supervision matched with this new approach, the teachers' experience has to be reinforced by dialogs and communication between school members and the person in charge of supervision in the mood of respect. The educative value of school can be recovered by the narrative through interaction, respecting school members' experience and meanings in their life according to personal practical knowledge based on teacher's experience, forming the school community by mutual communication, and constructing school culture coping with change of new environment.



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