스킨스쿠버 장비 착용 및 벗는 자세의 근골격계 상해 예방을 위한 REBA, RULA, OWAS 분석

Analysis of REBA, RULA, OWAS of Wearing and Taking off Skinscuba Equipment for Prevention of Musculoskeletal Injuries

  • 투고 : 2010.11.17
  • 심사 : 2011.02.01
  • 발행 : 2011.03.31


The study was constructed an analysis of postures of a expert diver's wearing and taking off with skinscuba equipment using ergonomics tools(REBA, RULA, OWAS) for prevention of Musculoskeletal injuries. This survey is consisted of 4 postures in terms of wearing and taking off : Crouching(alone), Standing(alone), Helping of assistance, Using of stanchion. Their rate of injuries is getting higher due to instability postures, exposed dangers and excessive physical actions. So this study provides basic and educational information for prevention of that. The result is as follows : The result of crouching postures of wearing alone was REBA 9(Ac Level 3), RULA 7(Ac Level 4), OWAS AC 2, and crouching postures of taking off alone was REBA 12(Ac Level 4), RULA 7(Ac Level 4), OWAS AC 4. The result of standing postures of wearing alone was REBA 8(Ac Level 3), RULA 7(Ac Level 4), OWAS AC 3, and standing postures of taking off alone was REBA 8(Ac Level 3), RULA 7(Ac Level 4), OWAS AC 3. The result of helping of assistance postures of wearing was REBA 4(Ac Level 2), RULA 3(Ac Level 2), OWAS AC 2, and standing postures of taking off alone was REBA 4(Ac Level 2), RULA 4(Ac Level 2), OWAS AC 1. The result of using of stanchion postures of wearing was REBA 3(Ac Level 1), RULA 3(Ac Level 2), OWAS AC 1, and standing postures of taking off alone was REBA 3(Ac Level 1), RULA 3(Ac Level 2), OWAS AC 1. Especially both postures of wearing and taking off alone showed high results in the analysis of postures using ergonomics tools(REBA, RULA, OWAS).



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