인드로이드 태블릿 PC의 전망(평가)과 플랫폼 전략의 변화 가능성

  • Published : 2011.06.22




  1. IDC, "Nearly 18 Million Media Tablets Shipped in 2010 with Apple Capturing 83% Share; eReader Shipments Quadrupled to More Than 12 Million", IDC Press Release, 2011. 3.
  2. Jared Spurbeck, "Why Android Tablets Can't Compete with the iPad 2", http://news.yahoo.com, 2011. 3.
  3. Sam Grobart , "Forrester Report Casts Doubt on iPad Competitors", Gadgetwise blog, The New York Times, http://gadgetwise.blogs.nytimes.com, 2011. 3.
  4. Gartner, "Forecast: Media Tablets by Operating System, Worldwide, 2010-2015", Gartner Dataquest, 2011. 4.
  5. http://reviews.cnet.com, "Gartner: iPad will rule, even as it wanes", 2011. 4.
  6. http://blogs.wsj.com, "Apple to Lead Tablet Market for Years, Research Firm Says", 2011. 4.
  7. http://reviews.cnet.com, "Report: Tablet sales to hit $49 billion by 2015",2011. 4.
  8. http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki
  9. http://www.chromeoslounge.com/wiki/Chrome-OS
  10. http://www.neowin.net/news/exclusive. "chrome notebooks confirmed to be released June July subscription based sales", 2011. 4.
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  13. http://www.chromium.org/chromium-os
  14. Jenna Wortham, "So Far Rivals Can't Beat iPad's Price", The New York Times, http://www.nytimes.com. 2011. 3.
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