A Study on the Discrimination and the Real State of High Calorie Foods with Low Nutrition Values in Children's Snacks sold within Green Food Zone

  • Received : 2011.09.30
  • Accepted : 2011.12.16
  • Published : 2011.12.30


This study surveys the state of 'children's snacks' sold within the Green Food Zone and that of High Calorie Foods with Low Nutrition Value (HCFLNV). The main purposes are the analyses of foods in accordance to KFDA Program for HCFLNV and an analysis of differences in HCFLNV that are dependent on relevant factors such as food types, school types, origins, the scale of manufacturing company, area and price. Based on the analyses, educational and political implications have been sought that will form nutritious dietary habits, contribute to the prevention of obesity, and improve health in child consumers. The methodologies of this study are literature studies and surveys. The results of this study can be summarized as following. First, the number of children's snacks is 517 items of total 645 gathered within 150 Green Food Zones. Candies are the most popular item, next are cookies, chocolates, and breads. Second, in the real state survey there are 186 HCFLNV (36.0%) among children's snacks sold within Green Food Zone. Based on the survey results, the marking of HCFLNV on the package of children's snacks and the extension of the ban of HCFLNV sales to all stores within the Green Food Zone are strongly suggested. This provides preliminary data related to children's snacks and food safety. With enforcement of the Special Act on the Safety Management of Children's Dietary Life, the rate of HCFLNV has decreased and the child snack product environment in stores has improved. However, it is necessary to supervise low-priced snacks and promote an awareness of HCFLNV along with the child consumer education of food safety is needed.



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