소화장(昭和莊)의 현황과 평면변용 특성 연구

A Study on Sowhajang's Present Condition and Plan Transformation Characteristics

  • Received : 2011.04.20
  • Accepted : 2011.06.14
  • Published : 2011.06.25


'Sohawjang' is the first apartment house built in Busan the modern period, 1944. 'Sohawjang' needs to be apprised its value as an very important object of study with architectural and dwelling historic meaning because multi-family houses built in Japanese Rule Era that now exist in Korea are very rare. Thus, this study attempted to leave records to archive by conducting face to face interviews and surveying on 'Sohawjang' which is seriously in danger of extinction and its original form damage as the first step. Especially, around Korea's Liberation, this study tried to extract transformation characteristics of residential space and cultural differences appeared on differences of occupants having different nationality. Through these results, this study attempted to examine the era of apartment house and transformation characteristics and values of modern dwelling historic dimension according to changes of users appeared in Busan modern period. Through this study, it offers basic data about introduction and transition processes of an apartment house in Korea. It has an meaning of suggestion reference data for original form preservations or regenerations.



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