'사회적 소통'을 위한 아파트단지 공용공간의 계획목표 및 전략 도출

Deduction of the Design Objectives and Strategies of Communal Spaces in Apartment Complexes for 'Social Interaction and Communication'

  • 임연수 ((주)디자인그룹오즈건축사사무소 도시환경전략연구소) ;
  • 최재필 (서울대학교 공과대학 건축학과)
  • 투고 : 2010.10.22
  • 심사 : 2011.06.08
  • 발행 : 2011.06.25


'Sustainable Development' has become one of the most important concepts of the 21st century, and efforts are being made to actively apply this conception in various fields of social studies. Sustainability can be discussed in terms of economy, environment and society. In the case of social sustainability, a key motivation is the weakened bond within communities that is an unfortunate characteristic of modern society. The core of social sustainability is therefore in promoting 'social interaction and communication' through constructing communities and physical environments that support them. This study is based on the understanding that areal enlargement of physical environment doesn't guarantee the vitality of created community spaces. The purpose of this study is to deduce the design objectives and strategies of communal spaces in apartment complexes for social interaction and communication. Social interaction and communication can be divided into two aspects: between a complex and the local society, and within the complex itself. Nine design objectives are deduced from sixteen research reports published by public research institutions after 2000 and several design strategies are found through architectural analyses of influential examples based on 5 fundamental values of communal space planning.



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