사상체질과 경동맥 내중막 두께의 상관성 연구

Relationship between Intima Media Thickness of Common Carotid Artery and Sasang Constitution

  • 한동윤 (상지대학교 한의과대학 사상체질의학교실) ;
  • 유준상 (상지대학교 한의과대학 사상체질의학교실) ;
  • 고상백 (연세대학교 원주의과대학 예방의학교실 및 유전체코호트연구소) ;
  • 박종구 (연세대학교 원주의과대학 예방의학교실 및 유전체코호트연구소)
  • Han, Dong-Youn (Dept. of Sasang Constitutional Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Sangji University) ;
  • Yu, Jun-Sang (Dept. of Sasang Constitutional Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Sangji University) ;
  • Koh, Sang-Baek (Dept. of Preventive Medicine, Wonju College of Medicine, Yonsei University and Institute of Genomic Cohort) ;
  • Park, Jong-Ku (Dept. of Preventive Medicine, Wonju College of Medicine, Yonsei University and Institute of Genomic Cohort)
  • 투고 : 2011.05.16
  • 심사 : 2011.06.22
  • 발행 : 2011.06.30


1. Objectives: This study is to investigate the relationship between Intima Media Thickness(IMT) of common carotid artery and Sasang Constitution. 2. Methods: 839 persons, over 40 years old, participated in community-based cohort of Korea Genome and Epiedemiology Study (KOGES) in Wonju City and Pyeongchang City of South Korea from June 2006 to February 2008. The diagnosis of Common carotid Intima Media Thickness was evaluated by B Mode ultrasonography, cardiovascular risk factors were checked using questionnaire and blood samples. Constitution was verified by a Sasang constitution specialist according to the results of PSSC(Phonetic System for Sasang Constitution), facial photos and a simplified Sasang constitutional questionnaire. Multiple regression analysis and logistic regression analysis were performed with SPSS. 3. Results: There were significantly high values in waist circumference, fasting blood sugar, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, triglyceride, HOMA-IR and hsCRP in Taeeumin and low in HDL-cholesterol and adiponectin in Taeeumin. There were significantly high value in Common Carotid Intima Media Thickness in Taeeumin. Age was the significant cardiovascular risk factor irrespective of Sasang constitution in all participants. There was a positive correlation between smoking and Soyangin in all participants and men. There were positive correlations between LDL-cholesterol, BMI and Taeeumin in all participants and men. There were positive correlations between hsCRP and Soeumin in all participants and men. There was significantly high odds ratio of Taeeumin over Soeumin in common carotid Intima Media Thickness. 4. Conclusions: Regimens on cardiovascular diseases should be considered according to Sasang constitution. There are more sensitive risk factor in each constitution; smoking in Soyangin, LDL-cholesterol and BMI in Taeeumin, hsCRP in Soeumin.



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