인공식재에 의해 교란된 산림의 식생구조 및 생태적 복원기법

Vegetation Structure and Ecological Restoration of Disturbed Forest due to Artificial Plant

  • 투고 : 2011.03.01
  • 심사 : 2011.04.20
  • 발행 : 2011.06.30


The purpose of this study is to investigate the vegetation structure and ecological restoration of disturbed forest due to artificial plant. To this end, 12 plots were set up and surveyed. The result analyzed considering mean importance percentage(M.I.P) showed that the types were divided into three groups which are artificial planted forest type(three plots), natural forest-artificial planted forest type(four plots), natural forest type(five plots). Dominant proportion of artificial planted species were as follows: artificial planted forest type was over 60%, natural forest-artificial planted forest types were 14~49%. The range of Shannon's index of all associations was from 0.7131 to 0.7771(natural forest-artificial planted forest > natural forest > artificial planted forest). Also we suggested restoration method of vegetation for ecological value as follow: Control of density considering step and Remove of Pinus koraiensis seedlings of understory layer and shurb layer.



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